What a week for so many crazy reasons! Excited to move on and move forward.

After my disaster of a month last month and a rather challenging week healthwise for the family, I am progressing forward. L recovered and then got F sick with his virus. So basically, we have been tending to stomach fluish kids and the biggest pile of laundry in the world. I can’t believe that I have had to wash this many sheets, towels and pukey clothing. Thankful to have both my boys feeling back to normal as of yesterday. We are ready to move on from the sickness and back into wellness.

This week I decided to shake up my eating habits a bit and I am already feeling the effects of it. I am working on consuming more “real foods” and significantly less processed foods. I don’t really expect myself to eat 100% real foods, but have made a huge effort to eat 80%. I find that already, I am a less hungry and my sugary cravings aren’t as present when I don’t indulge them in the first place. My sweet tooth can’t be indulged very often because, once indulged, it’s hard to keep myself from continuing to indulge. I love sweets too much to just have a little. I am going to take this month to wean myself off of the sugary processed stuff that I was consuming daily.

We’ve made some changes to what was formerly known as our candy bowl in the office. That beautiful bowl is filled with dried fruit packets, trail mix and granola bars. They are all processed foods, I realize, but it is a small effort to get our team and ourselves to eat more food and less candy. Who knows, maybe in a month there will be apples and bananas in our bowl.

Small little changes will lead to a big change in the end, as long as I keep pushing forward.